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Sabtu, Maret 03, 2012

fix Pcaprub module is not available on metasploit

tested : backbox 2.1

The Pcaprub module is not available: no such file to load -- pcaprub
[-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Pcaprub not available
[-] Call stack:
[-]   /opt/msf/lib/msf/core/exploit/capture.rb:372:in `check_pcaprub_loaded'
[-]   (eval):61:in `run'

solutions :

 cd /opt/msf/external/pcaprub  
 sudo bash -c "ruby extconf.rb && make && make install"  
5 el faqih: fix Pcaprub module is not available on metasploit tested : backbox 2.1 The Pcaprub module is not available: no such file to load -- pcaprub [-] Auxiliary failed: RuntimeError Pcaprub not...
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